The resources and tools provided on this website are not a guarantee of success. 

We are not promising you quick success or unrealistic results.

We are not offering a get-rich-quick opportunity.

We are not making any claims as to how much you can earn.

There is no assurance that past earnings can be duplicated in the future. 

Before making any business decisions, please seek professional advice from your personal advisors, and do not make judgments based on the income figures or information provided on this website.

As with any business venture, your results may vary and will depend on your educational background, your skills, your prior experience, and how much time you’re willing to invest. These factors are not within our control. 

The income figures and testimonials used are anecdotal information provided by various individuals based on their own results. Please note that we have not performed any verification of the claims made by these individuals. Do not assume that you will achieve the same results or income figures.

Do not take any information on this website to be a claim or estimate of average earnings. There is NO average earning figure. Individuals' statements and testimonials should not be taken as assertions or representations of average earnings. We are unable to, will not, and do not make any representations regarding average or other earnings.

There is no assurance that any of the strategies outlined in our materials will result in financial success. Examples provided in our materials should not be taken as a promise or assurance of earnings. No assurances are given that you will obtain results similar to ours or anyone else's because many factors will be significant in deciding your actual results. We make no promises about the outcomes you will get from the concepts in our content.

The use of our materials and tools should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that we are not liable for any success or failure you record that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of the products or services on this website.

Information that includes or is based on forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 may be found in the content of our materials and on our website. 

In forward-looking statements, we express our predictions or expectations for the future. These claims can be distinguished by the fact that they do not strictly connect to historical or contemporary realities. When describing prospective earnings or financial performance, they utilize phrases like "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "project," "intend," "plan," and "believe," among other words and concepts with similar meaning. Every single forward-looking statement in our papers serves to convey our assessment of the earnings potential. They should not be taken as reality because they are merely views.